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Henryk Ebers

Henryk Ebers was born in 1856 in Medoc in France. His father was a doctor in Vilnius, who took part in the November Rising and as a result was forced lo leave his country. Henryk Ebers received degree in Medicine in Cracow. He also studied in Vienna and Paris. He became director of the newly built spa centre in Krynica, in 1884. From the beginning of his term of office he introduced modern treatment methods and cultured views on how the course should be led. During the years 1904 -1910 he became a member of the Spa Committee, district councillor and he chaired the Organisation of Doctors in Krynica. He established a joint stock and a food company.                

Doctor Ebers supported development of the spa of Krynica financially and by his sincere commitment. With the approval of the Internal Cabinet of Health he started regulation of the torrent Kryniczanka and worked on the project of supplying the whole town with health and potable water. He took care of the improvement of the sanitary conditions by construction of the new and better baths and a Spa House. He put a lot of effort into usage of the new mineral springs indispensable for spa. He managed to start fruitful cooperation with a famous geologist Rudolf Zuber. During the years 1909 – 1911 he established a company and as a result a railway connection Krynica-Muszyna was built and part of the town was provided with electric lights. The hard time of the WWI doctor Ebers spent with his family in Krynica. He appointed himself as a mayor of the town and with a small group of inhabitants they formed an Advisory Board and called for the creation of the local militia and protection of the estate from plunder. He saved Krynica from destruction by Russian army. He reached the headquarters of the army in Tylicz and persuaded officials to believe that Krynica due to its patients and visitors from many countries is not a totally Polish town. There, he received a document that saved this spa town from damage.                               

Henryk Ebers died suddenly in 1919. He was 63 years old. He was buried in the Rakowicki Cemetery in Cracow. After his death Physiotherapy Institution was administered by Józef Jasiński, Józef Zanietowski and Witold Krzemiński. Doctor Ebers did a lot for the town and people of Krynica and will forever remain in its history as its benefactor. The street leading from the railway station to the Pedestrian Zone was named after Henryk Ebers to honour this prominent inhabitant of the town.